Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reading body language

It does not matter whether she is interested in you, you still zainteresuesh time in anyone. :) But to view these characters will show you that you're really making progress. :) It is also quite interesting to watch for these signs from any everyday situation, for example in a bar - when the guy is too early to believe that he is cool, but the woman with whom he speaks, does not show nor any of the signs listed below, you can not help but laid up with this. :)

Her lips:

Broad smiles showing upper and lower teeth with a relaxed face.
Biting the lips or tongue showing, licking her lips or touching her front teeth.
It moisturizes the lips, some women have only one lip lick, wetting the lower or upper lip while others run his tongue over the entire area around the lips.
She puts her fingernail between the teeth.
She gives her lips and arches her chest forward.
Her eyes:

She stares into your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.
She stressed raises both eyebrows for a few seconds, it is often accompanied by a smile and some eye contact.
She winks at you during what you say or winks at you from a distance.
During a conversation with you, she blinks more than usual, trembling eyelids.
Eyebrows are raised and lowered, and the subsequent smile shows her interest in you.
Her hair:

She runs her fingers in her hair. This may be a movement of one hand, or more noticeable movement.
She wraps her hair around her fingers while looking at you.
She clears her hair from her shoulders back.
Her clothing:

If she wears clothes, under which it is seen her nipples, and you notice that they are becoming arrogant and excited.
Edge of the garment is raised, showing a little more leg.
She straightens, strokes clothes to look better.
At the time she sits:

She moves to the music, looking at you.
She starts to sit up straight and her muscles become tense.
She sits with open legs.
She sits with legs crossed, revealing her thigh.
Her legs are rubbing against each other.
Her legs are rubbing against the foot of the table.
Her crossed legs are directed at you or leg swings back and forth towards you.
Her hands:

The palms of her hands are exposed to you show.
During a conversation with you, she maintains the elbow in the palm of your hand, while the other hand is facing palm up.
She rubs her wrists up and down.
She sits with one hand touching one of her breasts.
She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This shows that she thinks about you and her relationship with you in some way.
She pulls buttons, stroking the glass. Flexing with toys or other things on the table.
She plays with her jewelry, especially hitting and twitching movements.
It is easy touches your wrist, shoulder, thigh, or arm during a conversation with you (if you have not started kinestetiku first, of course).
She pretends to be looking at his watch, when you walk past her.
Her voice:

She raises or lowers the volume of the voice, in line with yours.
It speeds up or slows down her speech in line with yours.
She laughs in unison with you.
In the presence of people she was talking only to you and focuses all her attention on you.

It reflects your body language and posture.
Her skin blushes in your presence.
It lets the smoke is strictly between her lips in your direction.
She leans over and says something to her friend's ear, though a schoolgirl.
She stands with a raised head at a slight angle, one foot after another, the sides are slightly protruding.
At a party - at times she appears out of nowhere next to you, and if you moved to another place, she again appears out of nowhere, you can catch it a quick glance in your direction (in fact, she stares at you, cormorant!), It crashes in you accidentally, touches you, etc.
Here are some of the most important characters in conversation with a girl over to watch:

Can you keep a conversation with her?
Normally if it responds to kinestetiku?
She touches you?
She laughs?
Explain that means a positive answer to these questions will not, OK? :) All these signs usually tell you that she captivated with your charm. But before you attain this, it is likely that her body language will change during the conversation. Make sure you treat it carefully, and when you get a sign that shows that you're on the right path, continue to move in that direction. Otherwise, simply reversed the approach and see what happens.

The really ornate and beautiful girl, yet very rarely show signs of interest described above. They just do not want to, because they draw attention to themselves long before that. With these girls you should be looking for a more subtle sign. One example of this may be that fancy girl just looked at your face. Obviously, people prefer to look at something or someone that they like to watch. But while the average girl first looks at your face and then moves to a more frank signs of interest described above, Glancing at your face from time to time may be the only sign of interest that you get from the most beautiful girls.

So, if you think you do not get any signs of interest from rekalno beautiful heifers - you get, but they just can not see well so far.

Don Steele: "Here signs of interest sent through space. The majority approach for both sexes. Sequence in the list of approaches to the sequence of courtship."

I am interested

A quick glance in your direction.
Looks at you a few times.
In passing catches your eye.
Downward view, and then to the side.
Posture change on the disturbing.
Primp, tidies her hair, attractively dressed.
Turns the body to you.
Tilts his head.
He shutteth his little eyes.
Adjusts to your position.
Eyes quickened.
Licks his lips.
Stick out one's chest.
Do not bother me

Never throws at you a quick look.
Fleeting eye contact.
Quick look around.
He looks away, eyes on the same level.
Posture remains unchanged.
Do not preen.
Turns the body to the side.
The head remains upright.
Eyes remain normal.
Neutral, friendly facial expression.
Posture remains unchanged.
Normal or dejected look.
Keeping your mouth shut.
Bent so as not to emphasize the breasts.
Summary: frequency of contact with eyes - the more the better. The longer she holds your eye, the better. As she breaks eye contact, lowered his eyes before that - excellent. Light eye than brighter - the better. Body position for you - well, aside - a bad thing. Posture in general - a tense and uptight - that's good. Head tilt - vertically bad, a little inclined - well. As she holds a drink - a high and ahead of him as a barrier - is bad. Active hands - close, compressed or flattened - bad, open, stroking or hitting - excellent.


Alarmed, energetic.
Gradually reveals posture.
Down drink.
Gently touch myself.
Strokes objects.
Crosses and straightens his legs.
Briefly shows his hand.
Crosses his legs steadily.
Flexing boots on his feet.
Hands never touch face.
Touches to you for any reason.
Feet touching the floor.
Becomes relaxed.
Leans forward.
Legs and feet still.

Agitated and restless.
Normal or small pupils.
Posture remains closed.
High holds a drink.
Grabs or pinches himself.
Compresses, plug things.
The legs are crossed.
Gesturing back of his hand.
Shoes to wear.
Touches his face.
Never touch you.
Foot on the edges or shoes.
Compresses anything.
Bend to the side.
Colitis, tapping.
Most of us begin to communicate in a closed, protective position, because we are a bit disturbing. In the closed position feels safer. When a person with whom you talk switches to a more open stance, that means confidence and comfort. This person would be as open to you and your suggestions.

It takes courage to reveal to another person. If you come first, it will usually gradually from the closed position to move into the open. It will be opened, gradually changing posture.

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