Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to pick up the phone girl?

1) Never ask for her phone. You're a man, you take!

2) Do not apologize to her for the fact that you take her phone!

3) The first action! When you take your phone - your first action - Get the phone, or find a pen with a piece of paper. Can you ask her. If she asks, "Why" - say "I must! You will see. " When she would get from her purse a piece of paper and a pen - say, "what is your mobile? I'll show you the trick. " Writes it down on paper and you put it in his pocket. "That's the trick, now I have your cell phone. When you're comfortable to call? ". Remember - before you got your cell phone, or a means to record - do not ask for her phone. If you do everything right - she sees seriously your intention to get her phone number. And to deny it less likely.

4) Narrow the time! Ask her - when she has free time. Effectiveness vyzvona in her spare time is much higher. Her condition at rest has a normal conversation!

5) Deystvovuy time! Not perederzhivat. Sometimes guys crumple, and the woman at this time in my head thoughts on the brake my heart, but when you finally take my phone and let me go home I want to eat and sleep! "

When to take her phone?

Turn on your head and be able to think logically. In the morning, in a crowded minibus to take your phone is not the best idea. A girl can not wake up, or thinking about how she pass the exam. In general - it may simply be unprepared for your attack. You then look at yourself in what state you are in the morning? ;)
Use rule 3-views. If your eyes met once, and then a second time and she interest you, do not delay, and the third approach and requested the phone. If the delay - her interest in you will fall sharply. Yes, and you have a mindset will not be as rosy.

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