Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hidden sexual signals

24 hours a day tuned to women that you do not even hear. This radio station is called body language or "What do you think". Women are constantly communicating with each other on this "mysterious frequency. So they talk to each other your thoughts and feelings, including those whose existence you never knew existed. When dealing with a man, a woman tries to communicate in natural language for themselves, especially when it comes to dating or sex. In dealing with the opposite sex woman always use hidden sexual signals, but, to their regret, very few men are able to recognize these signals. And those men who do it, enjoyed the incredible popularity with women, that they literally have to fight back from them as from the flies. Just as women love foreplay in sex, they want from men relaxing, natural and appropriate response to their own movements. All first impression you make on women, based on non-verbal signals that you send! In the first 5-10 minutes of conversation the words that you say, have little or no value - are important only to your intonation, your gestures, your facial expressions, your inner spirit of confidence and strength. Without going into detail in the theoretical aspects of sign language, I will list all of the major hidden sexual signals to women that you need to know if you want to meet and chat with any woman at any time, anywhere.

1. Signals, which gives you interested in a woman, as soon as you walked into the room:

"Pricing View". This view is in rapid assessment of you: at first glance goes to the shoes, then at the legs and buttocks, then quickly inspect your clothes, hands, finger nails and last - person. The entire process takes up to two seconds, so it is difficult to see.
"Proud posture." It quickens, it becomes more vigorous, and perhaps raises high chest.
"Posing". It takes an attractive position, hoping that you look at her.
2. Signal, which served two or more girls, talking among themselves, if you like them:

Women's chatter. " If you like young girls, they would sneak glances at you and giggle. They may even begin to cuddle up to each other. Mature women will whisper more quickly.
3. Signals that a woman serves mainly eyes to the other end of the room to give you to understand that she wants you

"Ku-ku". She will keep an eye on you over the book, magazine or a menu.
"Shy Geisha." She feigned modesty will look down and sideways. However, if she is interested in you, then again, look at you for 45 seconds.
"Looking askance." She will glance at you askance, even if talking to someone. More frank version of this gesture - a look over his shoulder.
4. Signals, meaning that you like women that are giving it a slightly exposes the body

"Unobtrusive exhibitionism." She postpone edge blouse or dress to tempt you view the naked body.
"Shoe-flexing." It will throw a shoe toes, usually exposing the feet.
"Demonstration of armpits." Woman who likes you, can strike a pose with old photos of Hollywood stars, raising one arm above his head and showing armpit. If you are at this moment talking to her, she can just raise your hand or throw it over her head, to show bare armpit.
"Demonstration of a leg." Women have learned to use his feet the most enticing way to lure men. A woman can lift the edge of the skirt to bare land legs, or even slightly to separate them, allowing you a moment to look deeper. If a woman sits in a pose of "foot to foot," it would send a point of interest to her knees on the man.
5. Signals associated with the distance between you, which gives a sitting woman, making it clear that he wants to see you closer

"Close Encounters". It would rise or sit closer than it provides social rules. Sometimes she would break the distance fleetingly, expecting that you support her game.
"The invasion of" personal space ". Concerned Women put in your" personal space "(within one meter) of any subject, his arm or leg.
"Accidental" touch. "There is nothing accidental. If a woman regards your hands, fingers or any other body parts - usually very quickly - which means that it gives you a signal.
"Tilt". If the rules of decency do not allow to stand or sit too close to you, she may lean upon thee, and thus to invade your "personal space". In addition, it uses the same technique to show that it is interested your words.
6. Signals that a woman gives her hands and that means: "You excite me"

"Demonstration of the wrist." You'll be amazed to hear that your wrist - one of the ultra-sensitive erogenous zones. It is not surprising that this gesture is so popular among women, especially among smokers.
"Games with decorations." Typically, it begins with an instinctive reaction, because you make a woman nervous. However, more experienced women know that they can tempt you, twisting in her fingers a chain around his neck or touching the earrings, because it draws attention to the cleavage on the chest or neck.
"The palm-vane. If you like women talking to you, she can squeeze their fists. If she is indifferent, it may prop up your chin hands, knuckles out. If you're attracted to her, his hands are likely to unfold, and the palms are a little jerk with value "get closer".
"Exposure of the neck." When foxes are fighting to the death, the loser inserts throat winner, as if giving him the opportunity to deal a fatal bite. When a woman removes hair from the neck, it is a subconscious (or conscious), the signal of surrender.
"Titivation. Woman preening in your presence, is twofold. It not only makes a seductive, but also attracts your attention.
"Playing with hair." Women who have a liking to you, will attract your attention to your hair, smoothing them, twirling them on his finger, or playing with them, so how could you play.
"Stroke". "Pleasure centers" for women, unlike yours, are scattered throughout the body, so when he saw a man who she likes, a woman with pleasure begins stroking herself. Quick-witted woman, noticing the positive men begin to stroke himself openly.
7. Signals, meaning: "I'm with you well!"

"Wild gesticulation." It wakes up a little girl. The unspoken meaning is: "Oh, I'm with you awfully well!" If her shoulders bared, she leads them, knowing that you are to your taste.
"Silly." Little girl, when she gaily behaves stupidly. Version for older girls includes some sexual motives, such as a wink or some object in the mouth, ear or nose.
"Mirroring". It copies your posture, your movements and mannerisms. More refined and sensual woman unknowingly use this technique, discussed in neuro-linguistic programming, showing thereby that they are configured on the same wavelength with you.
8. The most outspoken signals that a woman uses, being drunk, horny or just desperation because you had not noticed her earlier signals:

"Licking his lips." These three last signals fairly frank. Licking his lips, a woman subconsciously tells you: "You're tempted to look and you excite me."
"Sexy thing". Harm is to be explained, in that it suggests, swiping your finger, especially the middle, along the edge or the legs of glass.
"Seductive biting." She either bites her lips, or takes into his mouth any small object. No comments
In response, the men's hidden sexual signals at any signal to women should not be anything tricky - it must match the INTENSITY and style Women's Promise. Here's a small recommendation for conducting interviews:

Smile. It's always melt the ice in a conversation
During a conversation must look into her eyes
Periodically examined her all over, from head to toe
Try to copy her pose
Actively flirted with her during all the pauses in conversation
Gradually approaching it!

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