Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clitoris - Lady Pearl

Ancient Indians who wrote "Kama Sutra", comparing women's genitals with a mysterious valley, which wants a loving man ... She exudes wonderful fragrance, hiding in its bosom a secret treasure. By a secret treasure in the first place means a clitoris.

In the clitoris only one concern - to provide sexual sensitivity. Such is the peculiarity of this organ of pleasure. It is located under the upper fusion of the labia minora. At rest hidden foreskin, and when excited fills with blood and becomes the most sensitive spot of the female body.

Protruding from under the foreskin of a rounded outgrowth - only his head. This visible part is only 4 percent of erectile clitoris. Can you imagine what's inside? Like the top of a huge iceberg head is crowned with a powerful body which, in turn, placed on two long legs.

The clitoris is made up of spongy tissue, capable of excitation filled with blood and cause curing, or the erection of the body. The paradox, but the blood flow to the genitals women are significantly larger than the penis in men, women and visible erection is much weaker.

Length neeregirovannogo clitoris rarely exceeds 3 cm, but during erection, it increases in diameter at 2-3. As a rule, in the early excitement he strongly supports and retracts before orgasm again. Its sensitivity is so high that the clitoris is compared with a detonator, and voluptuous sensations arising from contact with him, often borders on pain.

In human society is extremely rare size clitoris proves important. Some ethnic groups - Ford and Beach mention inhabitants of Easter Island - approved big clit, and some even tried with varying degrees of success to increase the authority of their girls. However, mainly due to the fact that in the XIX century and beginning of XX century was dominated indifference to women's sexual arousal, the clitoris has been almost entirely forgotten. Needless to say, its dimensions are different for different women. What is the size of the largest clitoris? Theo Lang mentions one recorded instance when a woman's clitoris was 5 cm in length and reached 7.5 cm, while he was in a state of full erection. " Poumroy noted that white women clitoris more than 2,5 cm in length are very rare, but occur in two or three percent of blacks - the size of 7.5 cm and more are revealed about each of the 300 or 400 Black Women. " Another author notes that the pair-Dyushatele met a woman whose clitoris had a length of 8 cm Swiss biologist XVIII century, Albrecht von Haller argued that he met a woman with huge clitoris no less than 18 cm in length. Record the length of the clitoris, referred to by various authors, is almost certainly amounts to 30 cm

A significant proportion of women did not discovers that the clitoris. There are several reasons. One is that the clitoris may be hidden, and its release is necessary to make a serious cut. Another reason - provided that he is there - that the clitoris is extremely small. Registered with the existence of the clitoris with a diameter of 2 mm. Women with invisible clitoris should not worry that it will interfere with their sexual arousal. The value of the clitoris in sexual arousal is often overestimated, since the whole area around it abundantly penetrated nerve endings.

Most often, the clitoris is covered with the foreskin, which is easily displaced during sex. Sometimes it is short and does not cover the body, he seems to be sticking out. And even more rare skin, by contrast, is too advanced and should be put off by hand to at least a little to rescue the clitoris.

Too long makes it difficult to remove skin accumulating around the discharge (smegma). There are redness, irritation and itching. Such women do circumcision (like circumcision for men). This operation also increases the sensitivity of women: during sex, it becomes possible to stimulate the head of the clitoris - skin does not prevent it, as before. Today, many women (mostly French and American) make circumcision - removal of the foreskin. This operation takes only 15 minutes and does not even require general anesthesia (the woman is conscious). However, doctors warn: Many women circumcision leads to temporary discomfort. During sexual fondling a woman ispytyaet not so much excitement, how much pain. True, the head of the clitoris gradually becomes less sensitive, and painful sensations disappear.

Women are often blamed for men's field in dealings with their clitoris. In fact, they obihazhivayut precious treasure as your own penis, believing that a strong stimulation, which pleases them, and bring you untold pleasure. Intrigue lies in the fact that their penis is less sensitive than the clitoris, and requires much more friction - pressure.

Who but a woman can tell a man about the habits and whims of the clitoris? Help him in his endeavors. Take a clumsy man's hand and make it what its doing. After a while it will be enough only cheer the man, guiding him in the desired direction: "right-left, above, below, faster-slower so so so ..."

How do I find it?

Spread the hips, gently thumb and labia - in the place of their union at the top is a small crease. This prepuce, which often called hooded. Lift it up and you'll see a small pink bump that resembles shiny button of or unripe red currant. This is the clitoris. All women, even those who have never experienced an orgasm, feeling at the moment of touching the clitoris voluptuous sensation. This should be done wet finger, sliding up and down the foreskin of the clitoris, that is, the skin covering his head. Finger men must feel at this clitoral erection, if he were petting a bone. Klitornye fondling a woman to have a quick close, placing it in desire.

Excitation increases slowly. Dilate blood vessels - genitals swell and rise to become red and hot. The clitoris increases perineal muscles contract and pull it closer to the entrance of the vagina. And from there expires transparent moisture generously washer clitoris and the whole genital area.

Each have their clitoris erogenous zones - these epicenters of pleasure. It would seem that they are negligible - only 3.2 mm, but what a result!

Find them difficult. Most likely they are:

on top of the head and the inner surface of the hood;
for head circumference (finger should trace the entire head);
where the body divides into legs (at the very pubic bone);
in a groove between the hood and labia lip on the right and left.

Of course, the first time can not tell where the head there, and where the legs. But most importantly, to somehow start. In fact, many women do not like direct clitoral stimulation, and in some it causes unpleasant and even painful. Win-win situation - to get the hood to slide on the clitoris. You can not do this with your finger, and the broad surface of the palm. But we should not push strongly. Clitoris sensitivity comparable to the bridle of the penis, so treat him to just gently.

Start with a soft touch. Range of motion - a few millimeters, the rate of the individual. Most couples indulges peculiar crescendo: the more a woman is excited, the more the speed increases and pressure, peaking with the first waves of orgasm. Finger caressing the clitoris, the man should periodically wet juices vaginal lubricants, grease or to contact were more tender.

There are three ways of excitation of the clitoris with your index finger:

Finger quickly, easily and continuously moving into contact with the tip of the clitoris. This method causes excitement in a while.
One finger moves easily and continuously, arousing the clitoris and the other - is inserted into the vagina entrance. Its movement resembles the motion of the tool. These movements are not fast, deep cause the greatest excitement partner, especially if they're good step excitation.
Finger does not touch the tip of the clitoris, and moves around the clitoris at its base. The campaign starts not far below the clitoris, further up on his side, the finger goes around the base and going down the other side of the clitoris.

During preparation for mating, and even coitus clitoris needs a continuous caresses. American sexologist Kinsey attributes clitoris almost exclusive role in the occurrence of female orgasm. That is why, preparing a woman to copulate, a man should hand a long and gentle (for 10-15 min) to caress the female clitoris. In addition to the man's hand you can use special clitoral stimulators. Now in the sex industry, a lot of them. This attachment to the penis (or finger) with the additional stimulation of the clitoris, dildos and Vibro with special spikes, clitoral stimulators, and of course specially designed for this stimulant, which is called Clitoral. Before you can use a variety of stimulants, it is desirable to acquire experience in dealing with them. Clitoral stimulators are comfortable that they can be used directly during sexual intercourse. Most often they are fastened to the body with straps, so your hands are at this time to do something else. Special control panel allows you to adjust the vibration force of the impact of vibration on the clitoris the woman's request. Vibration, which acts directly on the clitoris, excites him, which leads a woman in a state of complete ecstasy. However, she is not distracted by all sorts of remarks addressed to her husband, like: "Slow," "Softer," "Gentle".

The basic rules for beginners - "Do not brake!" and "No Stopping". Sharp and discontinuous motion can easily bring down the level of arousal. Especially watch out for late change of caressing fingers. Scratch my nose - flaccid clitoris immediately disappeared into the depths of the swollen vulva. Do not despair, start all over again. By the way, there's even a special technique - to bring the stimulation almost to the end and then stop for a while. Several of these approaches - and orgasms will be much stronger than usual. But these tricks can only afford enough experienced lovers.

It is best to entrust the clitoris mouth. If a woman does not hesitate, it will give her great pleasure. Two ultra-sensitive organ - the clitoris and language - will find something to say to each other. Many women feel the desire to touch his mouth to their genitals, the greatest proof of love from a partner, a man proud of the confidence of the beloved and feel the full power over the mysterious origins of femininity.

Tongue and lips perfectly suited to caress the clitoris: they are soft and moist, and their movements are deft and precise. Lick clit, gently explore the head, hood and the groove between them. Imagine that the clitoris - is a miniature tone: drawing it with his lips, twist, gently squeeze and suck on it. Tip of your tongue feel where the very-most explosive point. This time you will feel both: the language will feel slight tingling, as if touched elektrobatareyki, and a woman answered a lightning flash of excitement. Do not lose this point, tickling, massaging it and enjoy.

In some women, the clitoris during intercourse badly irritated. That is why, by introducing the penis into the woman's vagina, a man in any case should not stop petting on the clitoris. Gently pulling penis from the vagina and rejected several of his side, he should stick between the member and the vulva hand and finger movements of endearment to continue the sexual pleasure of the clitoris, while the woman will not get an erection and orgasm. And even after that should make a few motions with his finger on the clitoris, 5-6 frictions member into the vagina, and then for 23 minutes, kiss, have mercy on your sexual partner.

After the introduction of the human penis in the vagina, a woman can replace him, caressing herself clitoris with your finger. Women with low placement of the clitoris (Milka), where it is located close to the entrance of the vagina, there is no need for this, as he perfectly rubs against the penis and other parts of the male body. In zhenschshin high location of clitoris from the entrance of the vagina (peafowl) klitornye affection when intercourse necessary.

In life there are many cases when men out of ignorance of such features, bringing a woman to ecstasy caresses on the clitoris, after the introduction member into the vagina, clitoris and stopped to caress a woman led to the gradual extinction of the sexual feelings, despite continuing frictions member into the vagina.

The clitoris is not always initiated at once. And it is noticeable by the lack of secretion of fluid being released from the genital organs of women. Even if you have not been given sufficient attention to pre-game affair, but the woman is in a mood conducive to sexual intercourse, it is always allocated a sufficient amount of liquid and is concentrated in the clitoris.

About 30% of women are able to feel an orgasm after the introduction of the penis (vaginal orgasm). Conversely, most women get an orgasm if they stimulate themselves or if a partner is skillfully excites the clitoris during sexual intercourse. Sensation of orgasm, in this case most strongly. Even if you're not an expert in cunnilingus, you should try to learn it. Nothing complicated here.

Most often, many women like it when they start to caress the area around the clitoris, gentle circular motion around it. After a short time, if your partner like your kindness, it will start more excited. Begin to swell, small lips and starts to separate grease.

The next trick that's worth a try - it's completely put out the language (remember as a kid my uncle told the doctor: 'Tell A A-AAA, it is the way it should stick) and liznite both bottom-up, first, small lips, and then the clitoris . Usually on the second ten repetitions partner begins to breathe much more intense, the most sensitive to moan. Try to do it very gently, remember: the clitoris is very sensitive. If "work" achieved an orgasm your partner.

Such a focus for the first time will suffice. Gourmets can try to put out his tongue (remember you loved him as a child all the show) and quickly move them up and down. This method provides a stronger stimulation of your partner than the above mentioned way. Clit very fast rise and it can be to suck.

Now the woman's body is very sensitive to any touch and stroking. If during the cunnilingus you to caress the inside of the thighs the woman or her chest she aroused even more.

Where to find the perfect lover? Of course, in Spain!

According to a survey of 15 thousand women from 20 countries who answered questions about sexual relations with men of different nationalities, the Spaniards are the best lovers in the world. The worst in bed cases were considered Germans. The ideal lover is found among men of Spain, Brazil, Italy and France.

The British were exposed to criticism for lack of any activity in bed, the Swedes took third place among the worst, as famous for their ability to quickly finish everything.

The representative of the British organization OnePoll.com which was engaged in survey, said the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph: "The results of our survey will help thousands of women across the globe who love to travel, look for potential lovers, on the basis of our ranking. "
Ranking the best lovers in the world:

1. Spaniards
2. Brazilians
3. Italians
4. French
5. Irish
6. South Africans
7. Australians
8. New Zealanders
9. Danes
10. Canadians
Rating the worst lovers in the world:

1. Germans
2. English
3. Swedes
4. Dutch
5. Americans
6. Greeks
8. Scotch
9. Turks
10. Russian