Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hidden sexual signals

24 hours a day tuned to women that you do not even hear. This radio station is called body language or "What do you think". Women are constantly communicating with each other on this "mysterious frequency. So they talk to each other your thoughts and feelings, including those whose existence you never knew existed. When dealing with a man, a woman tries to communicate in natural language for themselves, especially when it comes to dating or sex. In dealing with the opposite sex woman always use hidden sexual signals, but, to their regret, very few men are able to recognize these signals. And those men who do it, enjoyed the incredible popularity with women, that they literally have to fight back from them as from the flies. Just as women love foreplay in sex, they want from men relaxing, natural and appropriate response to their own movements. All first impression you make on women, based on non-verbal signals that you send! In the first 5-10 minutes of conversation the words that you say, have little or no value - are important only to your intonation, your gestures, your facial expressions, your inner spirit of confidence and strength. Without going into detail in the theoretical aspects of sign language, I will list all of the major hidden sexual signals to women that you need to know if you want to meet and chat with any woman at any time, anywhere.

1. Signals, which gives you interested in a woman, as soon as you walked into the room:

"Pricing View". This view is in rapid assessment of you: at first glance goes to the shoes, then at the legs and buttocks, then quickly inspect your clothes, hands, finger nails and last - person. The entire process takes up to two seconds, so it is difficult to see.
"Proud posture." It quickens, it becomes more vigorous, and perhaps raises high chest.
"Posing". It takes an attractive position, hoping that you look at her.
2. Signal, which served two or more girls, talking among themselves, if you like them:

Women's chatter. " If you like young girls, they would sneak glances at you and giggle. They may even begin to cuddle up to each other. Mature women will whisper more quickly.
3. Signals that a woman serves mainly eyes to the other end of the room to give you to understand that she wants you

"Ku-ku". She will keep an eye on you over the book, magazine or a menu.
"Shy Geisha." She feigned modesty will look down and sideways. However, if she is interested in you, then again, look at you for 45 seconds.
"Looking askance." She will glance at you askance, even if talking to someone. More frank version of this gesture - a look over his shoulder.
4. Signals, meaning that you like women that are giving it a slightly exposes the body

"Unobtrusive exhibitionism." She postpone edge blouse or dress to tempt you view the naked body.
"Shoe-flexing." It will throw a shoe toes, usually exposing the feet.
"Demonstration of armpits." Woman who likes you, can strike a pose with old photos of Hollywood stars, raising one arm above his head and showing armpit. If you are at this moment talking to her, she can just raise your hand or throw it over her head, to show bare armpit.
"Demonstration of a leg." Women have learned to use his feet the most enticing way to lure men. A woman can lift the edge of the skirt to bare land legs, or even slightly to separate them, allowing you a moment to look deeper. If a woman sits in a pose of "foot to foot," it would send a point of interest to her knees on the man.
5. Signals associated with the distance between you, which gives a sitting woman, making it clear that he wants to see you closer

"Close Encounters". It would rise or sit closer than it provides social rules. Sometimes she would break the distance fleetingly, expecting that you support her game.
"The invasion of" personal space ". Concerned Women put in your" personal space "(within one meter) of any subject, his arm or leg.
"Accidental" touch. "There is nothing accidental. If a woman regards your hands, fingers or any other body parts - usually very quickly - which means that it gives you a signal.
"Tilt". If the rules of decency do not allow to stand or sit too close to you, she may lean upon thee, and thus to invade your "personal space". In addition, it uses the same technique to show that it is interested your words.
6. Signals that a woman gives her hands and that means: "You excite me"

"Demonstration of the wrist." You'll be amazed to hear that your wrist - one of the ultra-sensitive erogenous zones. It is not surprising that this gesture is so popular among women, especially among smokers.
"Games with decorations." Typically, it begins with an instinctive reaction, because you make a woman nervous. However, more experienced women know that they can tempt you, twisting in her fingers a chain around his neck or touching the earrings, because it draws attention to the cleavage on the chest or neck.
"The palm-vane. If you like women talking to you, she can squeeze their fists. If she is indifferent, it may prop up your chin hands, knuckles out. If you're attracted to her, his hands are likely to unfold, and the palms are a little jerk with value "get closer".
"Exposure of the neck." When foxes are fighting to the death, the loser inserts throat winner, as if giving him the opportunity to deal a fatal bite. When a woman removes hair from the neck, it is a subconscious (or conscious), the signal of surrender.
"Titivation. Woman preening in your presence, is twofold. It not only makes a seductive, but also attracts your attention.
"Playing with hair." Women who have a liking to you, will attract your attention to your hair, smoothing them, twirling them on his finger, or playing with them, so how could you play.
"Stroke". "Pleasure centers" for women, unlike yours, are scattered throughout the body, so when he saw a man who she likes, a woman with pleasure begins stroking herself. Quick-witted woman, noticing the positive men begin to stroke himself openly.
7. Signals, meaning: "I'm with you well!"

"Wild gesticulation." It wakes up a little girl. The unspoken meaning is: "Oh, I'm with you awfully well!" If her shoulders bared, she leads them, knowing that you are to your taste.
"Silly." Little girl, when she gaily behaves stupidly. Version for older girls includes some sexual motives, such as a wink or some object in the mouth, ear or nose.
"Mirroring". It copies your posture, your movements and mannerisms. More refined and sensual woman unknowingly use this technique, discussed in neuro-linguistic programming, showing thereby that they are configured on the same wavelength with you.
8. The most outspoken signals that a woman uses, being drunk, horny or just desperation because you had not noticed her earlier signals:

"Licking his lips." These three last signals fairly frank. Licking his lips, a woman subconsciously tells you: "You're tempted to look and you excite me."
"Sexy thing". Harm is to be explained, in that it suggests, swiping your finger, especially the middle, along the edge or the legs of glass.
"Seductive biting." She either bites her lips, or takes into his mouth any small object. No comments
In response, the men's hidden sexual signals at any signal to women should not be anything tricky - it must match the INTENSITY and style Women's Promise. Here's a small recommendation for conducting interviews:

Smile. It's always melt the ice in a conversation
During a conversation must look into her eyes
Periodically examined her all over, from head to toe
Try to copy her pose
Actively flirted with her during all the pauses in conversation
Gradually approaching it!

Rules of the first telephone conversation with a woman

Your ability to properly build a phone conversation would make a good impression on a woman. Many mistakes can be avoided simply consider what you say and how it will look the part. The following points will help you build your communication right and avoid the most common mistakes.

1. The first telephone conversation should be short

No matter how loaded your day and how much time you have to talk, you have to impress a man living an active full life. To do this, tell me what they wanted to say and do not need to abstract discussions about the nature and weather. It would be nice if you finished the conversation first. This would make a woman more forward to meeting you.

2. The conversation should end on a cheerful note

A woman always remembers what you said to her, ending the conversation. This should be something positive funny because it makes her smile after she hangs up. Even if your first call was unsuccessful, the latest joke can fix things in your favor.

3. Your call should be a clear goal

Do not call just to chat. By talking you have to prepare, he said the phrase you are going to say. You do not need that at the end of your explanation of the woman repeated, so "So what do you want me to say?". If you are inviting a woman for a date, you should have several options for where to go, just in case, if at first she did not agree.

4. Radiate positive

Women, of course, gain a reputation for his ability to listen, endowed by nature with compassion and a penchant for compassion, but it's not untie your hands. No need to pour it all that negativity that has accumulated in you all day, complaining about life, etc. You do not even mumble into the phone or speak a colorless voice. For the first few dates hide away their emotional baggage.

5. Message on the answering machine can be left only if you are calling is not the first time

Do not leave a message on the answering machine, otherwise it will look like a man, is in need of attention. If you are calling the first time, please hang up and try again later. Do not be afraid that it alerted an unknown phone number that appears several times on her answering machine.

6. Call us at the right time

This means that you should exclude calls during working hours. First, she realized how much you think about it, just taking the time to call a pause between jobs. Secondly, it can be awkward to talk to you when your colleagues or boss, and she can not, even if I wanted to be with your beloved.

If you are inviting a woman for a date on Sunday, then make the call until Wednesday. No way, do not call Friday night or Saturday. If you lie on the couch and watch TV, you do not what to do about it to know it is not necessary.

Simulation of orgasm: the pros and cons

What do women want? Question for men remains an open question. According to various surveys, most men feel pleasure, partner delivered one of the main criteria in sexual relations. However, receives a majority of the women is fun? Judging from the same survey, each woman in their sexual biographies of more than once pretended to orgasm. In this case, the majority of ladies do not think should hide this fact. The main reason for this can be understood as hiding in a women's physiology. Nature has created a surprisingly slim body, intended for reproduction, awarding her complicated feelings and perceptions of spillover of accumulated energy. Even an ordinary woman's hysteria is a way of getting rid of unwanted emotions that prevent the normal functioning of the female body. Men are hard to understand about the explosions and the female hormonal biorhythms. So do not go into the physiological details of which are already written entire thesis. And now we will talk about simulating an orgasm. What becomes a woman? And maybe it takes?
You should not go far, the reasons are obvious. Inexperienced partner often afraid to disappoint her lover. Heard about the multiple and simultaneous orgasm, girls fear being branded frigid girls. If the situation repeats itself in adulthood, it stands at the center of the mistaken impression that sexually successful women have an orgasm ever. This erroneous statement has negative consequences as a woman, not reaching the peak of pleasure with each act of intercourse,

begins to consider itself flawed. Already gaining experience, she understands that it is not necessary to attach so much importance to popular belief. The best way to reach orgasm - to focus on their feelings, and she knows it.
On the other hand, some women are prepared to argue. They argue that it is pretending to orgasm they approached his real feeling.
Frequent change of partners also contributes to the peak of pleasure. Many women can be difficult to fully relax with as yet unfamiliar partner. A woman, unlike men, have to get used to the partner. Say about their sexual preferences unfamiliar man, even while in bed with him, often very, very difficult. Only time can develop a joint sexuality and to understand what a partner brings the greatest satisfaction. And so simulated orgasm only possible way out of this situation.
Yet whether or not to transform theatrical manner in the meaning of sex life? Unequivocally, no, do not get used to this state of affairs. Otherwise, there is no possibility to experience this pleasure. If a woman, despite the attention, affection, tenderness partner still does not reach the desired goal to allow his sexual problem, it needs the help of a specialist. According to statistics, more recently, women increasingly began to refer to the help of sexologists. Anorgasmia is transformed into a social problem. And the problem is that the disease is not treated by drugs. The whole thing in my head. Inability to orgasm can give rise to fear of failure that pushes a woman to

introspection, crushing all her sexual response. It turns out that it is absolutely healthy physically, she becomes a patient from a psychological standpoint.
Yet it seems that the main problem of "hypocrite" is the inability to speak with someone you love. Sexual hypocrisy can not provide long-term benefits. Most often, it can build a wall between the partners. And the innuendo and nedoispytannost, eventually destroy the relationship.

Reading body language

It does not matter whether she is interested in you, you still zainteresuesh time in anyone. :) But to view these characters will show you that you're really making progress. :) It is also quite interesting to watch for these signs from any everyday situation, for example in a bar - when the guy is too early to believe that he is cool, but the woman with whom he speaks, does not show nor any of the signs listed below, you can not help but laid up with this. :)

Her lips:

Broad smiles showing upper and lower teeth with a relaxed face.
Biting the lips or tongue showing, licking her lips or touching her front teeth.
It moisturizes the lips, some women have only one lip lick, wetting the lower or upper lip while others run his tongue over the entire area around the lips.
She puts her fingernail between the teeth.
She gives her lips and arches her chest forward.
Her eyes:

She stares into your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.
She stressed raises both eyebrows for a few seconds, it is often accompanied by a smile and some eye contact.
She winks at you during what you say or winks at you from a distance.
During a conversation with you, she blinks more than usual, trembling eyelids.
Eyebrows are raised and lowered, and the subsequent smile shows her interest in you.
Her hair:

She runs her fingers in her hair. This may be a movement of one hand, or more noticeable movement.
She wraps her hair around her fingers while looking at you.
She clears her hair from her shoulders back.
Her clothing:

If she wears clothes, under which it is seen her nipples, and you notice that they are becoming arrogant and excited.
Edge of the garment is raised, showing a little more leg.
She straightens, strokes clothes to look better.
At the time she sits:

She moves to the music, looking at you.
She starts to sit up straight and her muscles become tense.
She sits with open legs.
She sits with legs crossed, revealing her thigh.
Her legs are rubbing against each other.
Her legs are rubbing against the foot of the table.
Her crossed legs are directed at you or leg swings back and forth towards you.
Her hands:

The palms of her hands are exposed to you show.
During a conversation with you, she maintains the elbow in the palm of your hand, while the other hand is facing palm up.
She rubs her wrists up and down.
She sits with one hand touching one of her breasts.
She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This shows that she thinks about you and her relationship with you in some way.
She pulls buttons, stroking the glass. Flexing with toys or other things on the table.
She plays with her jewelry, especially hitting and twitching movements.
It is easy touches your wrist, shoulder, thigh, or arm during a conversation with you (if you have not started kinestetiku first, of course).
She pretends to be looking at his watch, when you walk past her.
Her voice:

She raises or lowers the volume of the voice, in line with yours.
It speeds up or slows down her speech in line with yours.
She laughs in unison with you.
In the presence of people she was talking only to you and focuses all her attention on you.

It reflects your body language and posture.
Her skin blushes in your presence.
It lets the smoke is strictly between her lips in your direction.
She leans over and says something to her friend's ear, though a schoolgirl.
She stands with a raised head at a slight angle, one foot after another, the sides are slightly protruding.
At a party - at times she appears out of nowhere next to you, and if you moved to another place, she again appears out of nowhere, you can catch it a quick glance in your direction (in fact, she stares at you, cormorant!), It crashes in you accidentally, touches you, etc.
Here are some of the most important characters in conversation with a girl over to watch:

Can you keep a conversation with her?
Normally if it responds to kinestetiku?
She touches you?
She laughs?
Explain that means a positive answer to these questions will not, OK? :) All these signs usually tell you that she captivated with your charm. But before you attain this, it is likely that her body language will change during the conversation. Make sure you treat it carefully, and when you get a sign that shows that you're on the right path, continue to move in that direction. Otherwise, simply reversed the approach and see what happens.

The really ornate and beautiful girl, yet very rarely show signs of interest described above. They just do not want to, because they draw attention to themselves long before that. With these girls you should be looking for a more subtle sign. One example of this may be that fancy girl just looked at your face. Obviously, people prefer to look at something or someone that they like to watch. But while the average girl first looks at your face and then moves to a more frank signs of interest described above, Glancing at your face from time to time may be the only sign of interest that you get from the most beautiful girls.

So, if you think you do not get any signs of interest from rekalno beautiful heifers - you get, but they just can not see well so far.

Don Steele: "Here signs of interest sent through space. The majority approach for both sexes. Sequence in the list of approaches to the sequence of courtship."

I am interested

A quick glance in your direction.
Looks at you a few times.
In passing catches your eye.
Downward view, and then to the side.
Posture change on the disturbing.
Primp, tidies her hair, attractively dressed.
Turns the body to you.
Tilts his head.
He shutteth his little eyes.
Adjusts to your position.
Eyes quickened.
Licks his lips.
Stick out one's chest.
Do not bother me

Never throws at you a quick look.
Fleeting eye contact.
Quick look around.
He looks away, eyes on the same level.
Posture remains unchanged.
Do not preen.
Turns the body to the side.
The head remains upright.
Eyes remain normal.
Neutral, friendly facial expression.
Posture remains unchanged.
Normal or dejected look.
Keeping your mouth shut.
Bent so as not to emphasize the breasts.
Summary: frequency of contact with eyes - the more the better. The longer she holds your eye, the better. As she breaks eye contact, lowered his eyes before that - excellent. Light eye than brighter - the better. Body position for you - well, aside - a bad thing. Posture in general - a tense and uptight - that's good. Head tilt - vertically bad, a little inclined - well. As she holds a drink - a high and ahead of him as a barrier - is bad. Active hands - close, compressed or flattened - bad, open, stroking or hitting - excellent.


Alarmed, energetic.
Gradually reveals posture.
Down drink.
Gently touch myself.
Strokes objects.
Crosses and straightens his legs.
Briefly shows his hand.
Crosses his legs steadily.
Flexing boots on his feet.
Hands never touch face.
Touches to you for any reason.
Feet touching the floor.
Becomes relaxed.
Leans forward.
Legs and feet still.

Agitated and restless.
Normal or small pupils.
Posture remains closed.
High holds a drink.
Grabs or pinches himself.
Compresses, plug things.
The legs are crossed.
Gesturing back of his hand.
Shoes to wear.
Touches his face.
Never touch you.
Foot on the edges or shoes.
Compresses anything.
Bend to the side.
Colitis, tapping.
Most of us begin to communicate in a closed, protective position, because we are a bit disturbing. In the closed position feels safer. When a person with whom you talk switches to a more open stance, that means confidence and comfort. This person would be as open to you and your suggestions.

It takes courage to reveal to another person. If you come first, it will usually gradually from the closed position to move into the open. It will be opened, gradually changing posture.

How to pick up the phone girl?

1) Never ask for her phone. You're a man, you take!

2) Do not apologize to her for the fact that you take her phone!

3) The first action! When you take your phone - your first action - Get the phone, or find a pen with a piece of paper. Can you ask her. If she asks, "Why" - say "I must! You will see. " When she would get from her purse a piece of paper and a pen - say, "what is your mobile? I'll show you the trick. " Writes it down on paper and you put it in his pocket. "That's the trick, now I have your cell phone. When you're comfortable to call? ". Remember - before you got your cell phone, or a means to record - do not ask for her phone. If you do everything right - she sees seriously your intention to get her phone number. And to deny it less likely.

4) Narrow the time! Ask her - when she has free time. Effectiveness vyzvona in her spare time is much higher. Her condition at rest has a normal conversation!

5) Deystvovuy time! Not perederzhivat. Sometimes guys crumple, and the woman at this time in my head thoughts on the brake my heart, but when you finally take my phone and let me go home I want to eat and sleep! "

When to take her phone?

Turn on your head and be able to think logically. In the morning, in a crowded minibus to take your phone is not the best idea. A girl can not wake up, or thinking about how she pass the exam. In general - it may simply be unprepared for your attack. You then look at yourself in what state you are in the morning? ;)
Use rule 3-views. If your eyes met once, and then a second time and she interest you, do not delay, and the third approach and requested the phone. If the delay - her interest in you will fall sharply. Yes, and you have a mindset will not be as rosy.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Style of sexual relationship

STYLE OF SEXUAL RELATIONS Each person has his own style in everything - from clothing preferences to lovemaking. There are different styles of sexual behavior, and each has its adherents. But if we make love is always one and the same scenario, we simply been deprived and cheat yourself and your man. In the end, it's just annoying! And if you're tired of the routine, try to make love "differently". Maybe just an element of novelty and surprise you do not have enough to diversify your sex life.

The following types of sexual behavior:


It is believed that passionate sex should be sensual, selfish, and fast - "Come on now!" - But he also shows a man that a woman enjoys sex for the sake of sex. Even after living with his wife for many years, men often are not against "quick" sex. So give him 10 minutes of violent sex, when he least expects it. Behave as though you can not resist your partner. Men love to feel welcome and compelling. In addition, an unexpected sex brings to your love life a sense of spontaneity, which is especially necessary if we are talking about couples who are married for quite some time. It is also noticed that when a passionate and fast sex, most people feel skilled and confident lovers, oblivious to the uncertainty and all their fears related to sex. But, going to do a quickie note to say you have to be sufficiently excited to your desire to look natural. Therefore, you first think of some erotic moments of your relationship, how to move and smell your man and how he looks at the moment of orgasm, well then - go ahead!


When partners fall into bed, grateful to each other simply because they have each other, it feels like a spiritual awakening or revival. Often, such spiritualized relationship occurs in pairs as a result of any incident and meaningful in their life events, such as after a serious illness of one of the partners or forced a long separation. Moreover, usually because they treat each other people have for one another especially reverent and exalted feeling.

This kind of sex brings a pair of great satisfaction, but to maintain inspiration from day to day, or to create it "from nothing" is rather difficult. One way to solve this problem - to be open to all that surrounds you notice the most minor act of love and care by a partner, to feel with your partner a special relationship, not necessarily sexual. As one woman remarked: "When our kids do something that fills us with pride and gratitude, my husband and I feel for each other for some special sense. At this point, we exchange views and take each other's hand. "Why can not recall a similar moment later, during the mutual fondling? Tell your partner what you feel at the moment and that is exactly the same feelings for him you are experiencing now, and let this feeling with you throughout lovemaking.


Sex is not necessarily always an important and serious event. It can also be fun, easy, with elements of the game. Many couples perceive life with ease and have sex solely for entertainment. You must have the ability to laugh, if there is something unexpected, for example, if you suddenly interrupted or a leg of one of you caught in the sheet. You should also know how good-naturedly tease each other.


Introduction of tenderness in a sexual relationship is still doing miracles in your bedroom. A gentle, languid sex is the opposite of the passionate, and just because he - slowly and gently, accompanied by a light touch. It can bring erotic massage, using aromatherapy oils or a set of teasing kisses. It may also simply be a prelude to an intense passionate sex. Gentle sex to the same - a good way to reconciliation after a quarrel, when you need to calm the emotions are too strong backlog.

Allow yourself to completely relax and plunge into the erotic sensations. You can create an atmosphere of anticipation in advance hinting to his partner that will occur in the evening. Create the right mood with a romantic atmosphere: candles, sensual music, erotic lingerie, his favorite perfume and soft pillows. Just remember that all you do to excite your partner and do not realize their own dreams of a romantic date, that is, not only do what you love yourself, but what he loves.


Aggressive sex can be a great aphrodisiac for loving and equal partners in life and equal rights here - the keyword. For example, if you for some reason angry at each other, sex can be a bridge to return to their former relationship. But if the problem is not solved completely, it later anyway one way or another to prove themselves. According to inflame emotions aggressive sex in something akin to a passionate sex. Many couples are specially created chaos in their relationship to bring a special flair to your sex life. Many men also believe that women are particularly good in anger when their eyes sparkle and his cheeks burn. You can bring in the sex game elements such as binding, handcuffing and changing roles. However, we need an aggressive approach to having sex with sufficient care so as not to turn it into a sadomasochistic.


Ready to be got to the fullest? Want to steep changes and extreme novelty in sex? Then try to realize their sexual fantasies. If your husband pall image blagoporyadochnoy and caring wife, you can become for him in bed for a "bad girl". The contrast between you and the reality that invented a way make him feel that he commits something forbidden, and that excites most men. And usually the male plant is not so much bought a hot partner videos or sex toys, as its very willingness to experiment and dream in bed.

Couples who are inclined to the ingenuity of the bed, open to everything new, like role-playing, sex in unexpected places. Partner, initiating such a relationship must have a sufficient degree of ingenuity. However, few who practice this kind of sex every day. Because, as a rule, novelty and surprise of the sex makes it so appealing and exciting.

What should be a sexual relationship?

Sexual relations and human health is not simply connected. Harmonious sex - is an integral part of physical health. If so, then sexual problems should be dealt with by doctors.

In Belarus, it is. Medical sexologists have already eight people on the republic with a population of ten million. Working "tirelessly": each year is drawn sexologist (afraid to say) five hundred patients. District physicians in the usual clinic easily pick up this "norm" for the month of conventional techniques.

M-m-MDA, information for consideration. And wants to criticize the Ministry of Health, few, they say, sexologists still cook quickly. Yes, only that they will do with this load? What do we have "no sex", or whether everything is in order, and sexologists not very necessary ...

But global statistics claims sexual problems have ten percent of the world's population. I do not think that the Belarusians - chosen nation, which passed these misfortunes. Rather, it's just different, people are not accustomed to discuss with someone intimate questions.

But the issues of modesty issues do not cease to be. What are the basic truths are often willing to find people who have the courage to escape from stereotypes and appeal to sexologist?

What sex is considered normal? Yes, most diverse. The main thing - do not break the law: to wait for adulthood partner and not wishful thinking, ie, do not confuse his wishes with the mood of the partner.

In addition to the requirements of the Criminal Code should take into account that the enjoyment and pleasure have to get all parties to "process" and, without any harm.

What is the culture of sex? If your relationship is fully fit those referred to in the preceding paragraphs, it is likely, and the culture of sex you all might be in order. You have to understand and take into account the desire partner. Unfortunately, often people are only concerned about their feelings, and because sex alone - it is not really sex. Do not listen to a partner - there is every chance of losing him.

How often to have sex? Everything is very individual. Guests do not regulate this area. People have different temperaments. But the sex involved, at least two people. If temperament is different, usually a couple splits.

Entering into a marriage of convenience, sexual temperament is usually ignored. In this case, the harmony is difficult to speak rather of voluntary rape to satisfy a spouse. When a patient comes to an end, begin the inevitable scandals of a sexual nature.

How many steps should be in romantic relationships? If we talk about "serious intent", it is best to stick to the "classical" variant, in which there are three stages: the platonic, erotic and sexy. Each of them contributes to the "temple" of love.

What is the effect on the sexuality of children fondling their parents? Touching is very important for the development of sexuality. Caress and coddle a baby, wear it on their hands should not as much as parents want and for as long as your child needs. Lack of affection in early childhood is the desire to get her in the highest, adolescence, that could trigger an early sexuality, perceived by others as sexual promiscuity.

What is most important in gender relations? Harmony. Have to worry about your partner, make for the sake of his actions, seek to make him happy. In response, will get much more intense feelings.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clitoris - Lady Pearl

Ancient Indians who wrote "Kama Sutra", comparing women's genitals with a mysterious valley, which wants a loving man ... She exudes wonderful fragrance, hiding in its bosom a secret treasure. By a secret treasure in the first place means a clitoris.

In the clitoris only one concern - to provide sexual sensitivity. Such is the peculiarity of this organ of pleasure. It is located under the upper fusion of the labia minora. At rest hidden foreskin, and when excited fills with blood and becomes the most sensitive spot of the female body.

Protruding from under the foreskin of a rounded outgrowth - only his head. This visible part is only 4 percent of erectile clitoris. Can you imagine what's inside? Like the top of a huge iceberg head is crowned with a powerful body which, in turn, placed on two long legs.

The clitoris is made up of spongy tissue, capable of excitation filled with blood and cause curing, or the erection of the body. The paradox, but the blood flow to the genitals women are significantly larger than the penis in men, women and visible erection is much weaker.

Length neeregirovannogo clitoris rarely exceeds 3 cm, but during erection, it increases in diameter at 2-3. As a rule, in the early excitement he strongly supports and retracts before orgasm again. Its sensitivity is so high that the clitoris is compared with a detonator, and voluptuous sensations arising from contact with him, often borders on pain.

In human society is extremely rare size clitoris proves important. Some ethnic groups - Ford and Beach mention inhabitants of Easter Island - approved big clit, and some even tried with varying degrees of success to increase the authority of their girls. However, mainly due to the fact that in the XIX century and beginning of XX century was dominated indifference to women's sexual arousal, the clitoris has been almost entirely forgotten. Needless to say, its dimensions are different for different women. What is the size of the largest clitoris? Theo Lang mentions one recorded instance when a woman's clitoris was 5 cm in length and reached 7.5 cm, while he was in a state of full erection. " Poumroy noted that white women clitoris more than 2,5 cm in length are very rare, but occur in two or three percent of blacks - the size of 7.5 cm and more are revealed about each of the 300 or 400 Black Women. " Another author notes that the pair-Dyushatele met a woman whose clitoris had a length of 8 cm Swiss biologist XVIII century, Albrecht von Haller argued that he met a woman with huge clitoris no less than 18 cm in length. Record the length of the clitoris, referred to by various authors, is almost certainly amounts to 30 cm

A significant proportion of women did not discovers that the clitoris. There are several reasons. One is that the clitoris may be hidden, and its release is necessary to make a serious cut. Another reason - provided that he is there - that the clitoris is extremely small. Registered with the existence of the clitoris with a diameter of 2 mm. Women with invisible clitoris should not worry that it will interfere with their sexual arousal. The value of the clitoris in sexual arousal is often overestimated, since the whole area around it abundantly penetrated nerve endings.

Most often, the clitoris is covered with the foreskin, which is easily displaced during sex. Sometimes it is short and does not cover the body, he seems to be sticking out. And even more rare skin, by contrast, is too advanced and should be put off by hand to at least a little to rescue the clitoris.

Too long makes it difficult to remove skin accumulating around the discharge (smegma). There are redness, irritation and itching. Such women do circumcision (like circumcision for men). This operation also increases the sensitivity of women: during sex, it becomes possible to stimulate the head of the clitoris - skin does not prevent it, as before. Today, many women (mostly French and American) make circumcision - removal of the foreskin. This operation takes only 15 minutes and does not even require general anesthesia (the woman is conscious). However, doctors warn: Many women circumcision leads to temporary discomfort. During sexual fondling a woman ispytyaet not so much excitement, how much pain. True, the head of the clitoris gradually becomes less sensitive, and painful sensations disappear.

Women are often blamed for men's field in dealings with their clitoris. In fact, they obihazhivayut precious treasure as your own penis, believing that a strong stimulation, which pleases them, and bring you untold pleasure. Intrigue lies in the fact that their penis is less sensitive than the clitoris, and requires much more friction - pressure.

Who but a woman can tell a man about the habits and whims of the clitoris? Help him in his endeavors. Take a clumsy man's hand and make it what its doing. After a while it will be enough only cheer the man, guiding him in the desired direction: "right-left, above, below, faster-slower so so so ..."

How do I find it?

Spread the hips, gently thumb and labia - in the place of their union at the top is a small crease. This prepuce, which often called hooded. Lift it up and you'll see a small pink bump that resembles shiny button of or unripe red currant. This is the clitoris. All women, even those who have never experienced an orgasm, feeling at the moment of touching the clitoris voluptuous sensation. This should be done wet finger, sliding up and down the foreskin of the clitoris, that is, the skin covering his head. Finger men must feel at this clitoral erection, if he were petting a bone. Klitornye fondling a woman to have a quick close, placing it in desire.

Excitation increases slowly. Dilate blood vessels - genitals swell and rise to become red and hot. The clitoris increases perineal muscles contract and pull it closer to the entrance of the vagina. And from there expires transparent moisture generously washer clitoris and the whole genital area.

Each have their clitoris erogenous zones - these epicenters of pleasure. It would seem that they are negligible - only 3.2 mm, but what a result!

Find them difficult. Most likely they are:

on top of the head and the inner surface of the hood;
for head circumference (finger should trace the entire head);
where the body divides into legs (at the very pubic bone);
in a groove between the hood and labia lip on the right and left.

Of course, the first time can not tell where the head there, and where the legs. But most importantly, to somehow start. In fact, many women do not like direct clitoral stimulation, and in some it causes unpleasant and even painful. Win-win situation - to get the hood to slide on the clitoris. You can not do this with your finger, and the broad surface of the palm. But we should not push strongly. Clitoris sensitivity comparable to the bridle of the penis, so treat him to just gently.

Start with a soft touch. Range of motion - a few millimeters, the rate of the individual. Most couples indulges peculiar crescendo: the more a woman is excited, the more the speed increases and pressure, peaking with the first waves of orgasm. Finger caressing the clitoris, the man should periodically wet juices vaginal lubricants, grease or to contact were more tender.

There are three ways of excitation of the clitoris with your index finger:

Finger quickly, easily and continuously moving into contact with the tip of the clitoris. This method causes excitement in a while.
One finger moves easily and continuously, arousing the clitoris and the other - is inserted into the vagina entrance. Its movement resembles the motion of the tool. These movements are not fast, deep cause the greatest excitement partner, especially if they're good step excitation.
Finger does not touch the tip of the clitoris, and moves around the clitoris at its base. The campaign starts not far below the clitoris, further up on his side, the finger goes around the base and going down the other side of the clitoris.

During preparation for mating, and even coitus clitoris needs a continuous caresses. American sexologist Kinsey attributes clitoris almost exclusive role in the occurrence of female orgasm. That is why, preparing a woman to copulate, a man should hand a long and gentle (for 10-15 min) to caress the female clitoris. In addition to the man's hand you can use special clitoral stimulators. Now in the sex industry, a lot of them. This attachment to the penis (or finger) with the additional stimulation of the clitoris, dildos and Vibro with special spikes, clitoral stimulators, and of course specially designed for this stimulant, which is called Clitoral. Before you can use a variety of stimulants, it is desirable to acquire experience in dealing with them. Clitoral stimulators are comfortable that they can be used directly during sexual intercourse. Most often they are fastened to the body with straps, so your hands are at this time to do something else. Special control panel allows you to adjust the vibration force of the impact of vibration on the clitoris the woman's request. Vibration, which acts directly on the clitoris, excites him, which leads a woman in a state of complete ecstasy. However, she is not distracted by all sorts of remarks addressed to her husband, like: "Slow," "Softer," "Gentle".

The basic rules for beginners - "Do not brake!" and "No Stopping". Sharp and discontinuous motion can easily bring down the level of arousal. Especially watch out for late change of caressing fingers. Scratch my nose - flaccid clitoris immediately disappeared into the depths of the swollen vulva. Do not despair, start all over again. By the way, there's even a special technique - to bring the stimulation almost to the end and then stop for a while. Several of these approaches - and orgasms will be much stronger than usual. But these tricks can only afford enough experienced lovers.

It is best to entrust the clitoris mouth. If a woman does not hesitate, it will give her great pleasure. Two ultra-sensitive organ - the clitoris and language - will find something to say to each other. Many women feel the desire to touch his mouth to their genitals, the greatest proof of love from a partner, a man proud of the confidence of the beloved and feel the full power over the mysterious origins of femininity.

Tongue and lips perfectly suited to caress the clitoris: they are soft and moist, and their movements are deft and precise. Lick clit, gently explore the head, hood and the groove between them. Imagine that the clitoris - is a miniature tone: drawing it with his lips, twist, gently squeeze and suck on it. Tip of your tongue feel where the very-most explosive point. This time you will feel both: the language will feel slight tingling, as if touched elektrobatareyki, and a woman answered a lightning flash of excitement. Do not lose this point, tickling, massaging it and enjoy.

In some women, the clitoris during intercourse badly irritated. That is why, by introducing the penis into the woman's vagina, a man in any case should not stop petting on the clitoris. Gently pulling penis from the vagina and rejected several of his side, he should stick between the member and the vulva hand and finger movements of endearment to continue the sexual pleasure of the clitoris, while the woman will not get an erection and orgasm. And even after that should make a few motions with his finger on the clitoris, 5-6 frictions member into the vagina, and then for 23 minutes, kiss, have mercy on your sexual partner.

After the introduction of the human penis in the vagina, a woman can replace him, caressing herself clitoris with your finger. Women with low placement of the clitoris (Milka), where it is located close to the entrance of the vagina, there is no need for this, as he perfectly rubs against the penis and other parts of the male body. In zhenschshin high location of clitoris from the entrance of the vagina (peafowl) klitornye affection when intercourse necessary.

In life there are many cases when men out of ignorance of such features, bringing a woman to ecstasy caresses on the clitoris, after the introduction member into the vagina, clitoris and stopped to caress a woman led to the gradual extinction of the sexual feelings, despite continuing frictions member into the vagina.

The clitoris is not always initiated at once. And it is noticeable by the lack of secretion of fluid being released from the genital organs of women. Even if you have not been given sufficient attention to pre-game affair, but the woman is in a mood conducive to sexual intercourse, it is always allocated a sufficient amount of liquid and is concentrated in the clitoris.

About 30% of women are able to feel an orgasm after the introduction of the penis (vaginal orgasm). Conversely, most women get an orgasm if they stimulate themselves or if a partner is skillfully excites the clitoris during sexual intercourse. Sensation of orgasm, in this case most strongly. Even if you're not an expert in cunnilingus, you should try to learn it. Nothing complicated here.

Most often, many women like it when they start to caress the area around the clitoris, gentle circular motion around it. After a short time, if your partner like your kindness, it will start more excited. Begin to swell, small lips and starts to separate grease.

The next trick that's worth a try - it's completely put out the language (remember as a kid my uncle told the doctor: 'Tell A A-AAA, it is the way it should stick) and liznite both bottom-up, first, small lips, and then the clitoris . Usually on the second ten repetitions partner begins to breathe much more intense, the most sensitive to moan. Try to do it very gently, remember: the clitoris is very sensitive. If "work" achieved an orgasm your partner.

Such a focus for the first time will suffice. Gourmets can try to put out his tongue (remember you loved him as a child all the show) and quickly move them up and down. This method provides a stronger stimulation of your partner than the above mentioned way. Clit very fast rise and it can be to suck.

Now the woman's body is very sensitive to any touch and stroking. If during the cunnilingus you to caress the inside of the thighs the woman or her chest she aroused even more.

Where to find the perfect lover? Of course, in Spain!

According to a survey of 15 thousand women from 20 countries who answered questions about sexual relations with men of different nationalities, the Spaniards are the best lovers in the world. The worst in bed cases were considered Germans. The ideal lover is found among men of Spain, Brazil, Italy and France.

The British were exposed to criticism for lack of any activity in bed, the Swedes took third place among the worst, as famous for their ability to quickly finish everything.

The representative of the British organization OnePoll.com which was engaged in survey, said the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph: "The results of our survey will help thousands of women across the globe who love to travel, look for potential lovers, on the basis of our ranking. "
Ranking the best lovers in the world:

1. Spaniards
2. Brazilians
3. Italians
4. French
5. Irish
6. South Africans
7. Australians
8. New Zealanders
9. Danes
10. Canadians
Rating the worst lovers in the world:

1. Germans
2. English
3. Swedes
4. Dutch
5. Americans
6. Greeks
8. Scotch
9. Turks
10. Russian